Welcome to my little place on the internet! I made this website primarily for hosting my art, so I hope you will look around and find some stuff you like.

I make art primarily for the Homestuck fandom, and the furry community. I've been doing so for over 10 years now, and I don't plan on stopping!

I'm also one third of Homestuck Daily, a Homestuck fan-site focused on news and showcasing the fandom's creativity.

If you feel like supporting me, consider commissioning me or doing a direct donation!

Thank you for stopping by!



(My website is usually in english, but I'm french and this is very specific to us. I'll provide a translation of this post under the drawing for the curious.)

Pour des raisons personnelles, et parce que Macron nous a bien niqué sur ce coup, je sais pas si je vais pouvoir voter aux législatives. Et ça me soûle grave, surtout parce que en tant que feuj ça fait pas plaisir la monté du FN wesh.

Le seul truc que je peux fait à 100% c'est demander à toustes les français•es qui vont tomber sur mon site de faire barrage: votez NFP même si clairement c'est pas l'exemple le plus brillaint de la gôche de fronce, tmtc des fois dans la vie faut savoir faire des concessions. Bref, on emmerde le PS mais pas autant que le FN quoi.

Et du coup voilà, écoutez Vriska!

EN translation:

Due to personal reasons, and because Macron really fucked us over on this one, I don't know if I'll be able to vote during the legislative elections. And I'm really pissed off, especially since as a jew it's not really fun to see the rise of the National Front.

The only thing I'm 100% sure I can do is ask all french people who stumble upon my site to block them: vote for the New Popular Front even if they're clearly not the most brilliant example of french leftism, you know you've gotta make concessions in life sometimes. Basically, fuck the Socialist Party but not as much as the National Front.

And so yeah, listen to Vriska!



Hello and happy 10th Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week to all from your local unfeeling machine! Be aware of me.



Finally giving my fursona a proper ref!

    Can be drawn with spikes coming from the mandibles,
    though I didn't include them here.
    Clothing stlye is generally a more casual punk or emo look, but can be drawn in rave gear.
    Pooltoy form is mute and communicates through body language.


I did Mermay! You can find my designs over at my MERMAY 2023 TAG on Tumblr :D

Images have been removed from my front page so my site loads better. Hope you can understand!